Testimonials, Trials and Tribulations

 Attorneys’ Perspectives:

“As a result of cell tower location data, I have been able to convincingly illustrate the element of cohabitation, as is required under Florida’s supportive relationship statute, and have avoided the significant expense of engaging a private investigator.  In effect, cell tower location data has effectively taken the place of the old fashioned private investigator. I have been very pleased with the results thus far. ” –  Paul Leinoff, Esquire of Leinoff & Lemos, P.A. Board Certified in Marital and Family Law 

“One strategic benefit of cell tower location data is that the court may be familiar and comfortable with this technology since many judges are former prosecutors who have used this technology to obtain convictions.” –  George E. Gelb, Esquire, Jupiter, Florida.

Clients’ Stories:

“I live in California.  I used cell tower location data in my termination of alimony case, where I alleged that my ex-spouse was in a cohabiting relationship in violation of our marital separation agreement. My ex-wife was intent on forcing me to prove it in hopes that I would either give up or simply run out of money. The cell tower location data was definitely the “silver bullet”, but getting it, interpreting it, and presenting the results in a non-technical manner wasn’t simple. My ex-wife also deployed every tactic at her disposal: objecting to access to her phone records on privacy grounds (overruled); obstructing the discovery process (she ultimately was reprimanded by the court for this); and ultimately relying on a defense that alleged, essentially, that “geolocation data is junk science” (this attitude later changed).  As my legal team and I persevered and labored with a phone service provider new to divulging this level of detailed information to private citizens, it became increasingly evident that we were onto something.  During depositions, where the location log was exhaustively recited to the ex-wife for comment, it became clear to her that that my case was actually very convincing. While the geolocation data was just one significant piece of the evidence puzzle, the underlying bank records, PI reports, photographs, and her own deposition testimony all fit together to depict a compelling case for dismissal. Faced with court sanctions for her discovery misbehavior and with her realization it was likely she’d totally lose spousal support, she settled out of court for a significant reduction of not only the amount but also the duration of support. I was happy to be vindicated, obtain finality, and most importantly, retain my sanity and limit legal expenses.” – Ron, California

“My story is common and similar to many men out there.  My wife was a stay home mother and I provided a great living and lifestyle for her and my children.  She felt the need to accomplish more than motherhood, so I accommodated her wishes and sent her to nursing school.  That is where she met and started a year long affair with her paramour.  I discovered emails , texts and started receiving phone calls from family friends who told me she was having an affair.  She would deny everything and claim he was just a friend.  She tricked me into signing an “in house separation” agreement, stating we could work on our marriage but she needed the documented to know I loved her and would continue to provide for her. Immediately after signing, she moved out of our home.  I started paying alimony and child support per our agreement.  I had her followed by a private investigator and I learned that she was deeply involved with her paramour and even living with him.  He left his wife at the same time.  She would tell my children to lie about her paramour being at her home.  She threatened our children that I would take them away and stop giving her money.  I tried to divorce her on grounds of adultery but I could not since I was tricked into signing a no fault separation agreement.  I felt defeated and that I would have no choice but to continue to pay her alimony for the next four years.   I could not afford to hire a private investigator follow her every day for a full year.  After doing some research on the internet about alimony laws in Virginia, I discovered several articles on the use of cell phone tower locations as supporting evidence in cohabitation. In Virginia, you need prove cohabitation in a relationship like marriage for one year, and then the alimony is terminated.  I knew the cell phone locations would fill in the holes in my private investigator’s report.   We filed a motion to remove alimony.  We had my wife and her paramour deposed, and they pleaded the fifth on everything. After my wife’s attorney received the cell phone tower records, my cheating wife dropped alimony.  We did not even have to go to court.!  The use of cell phone tower locations along with the overwhelming evidence from the private investigator clearly demonstrated cohabitation.” –  Joe, Virginia