When smart people divorce, they don’t need a lawyer. They may want a lawyer, but they don’t necessarily need one. It is my contention that when two intelligent, reasonable-minded individuals both want to end the relationship, it can be successfully accomplished as a DIY (do it yourself) or with the assistance of a family law mediator, therapist and/or financial analyst. Using a non-adversarial setting, these professionals can guide, offer assistance as needed and answer questions that arise during the journey. One of the many benefits of taking this approach includes a division of the marital estate between just the two individuals, having eliminated the portion traditionally divided amongst multiple lawyers for legal fees and expenses. Another benefit smart people enjoy when they divorce without litigating is that it tends to lessen the negative impact on their children, who aren’t forced into the middle of a legal battle. Read more…
As Seen in the Huffington Post … How Do Smart People Divorce?
December 22, 2014 by
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