As Seen in the Huffington Post – How to Identify the Trend-Setting Professionals Paving New Ways to Support Termination of Alimony Claims

Including cell tower location data, social media and other web-based “evidence” into the standard discovery process in family law is quickly trending in the United States as the most cost-and-time efficient method for proving certain aspects of various domestic relations claims. Most recently, the use of cell tower location data to demonstrate some of the key elements of a cohabitation claim have been successfully leveraged to have alimony modified or permanently terminated. More and more successful results are being achieved, as tech-savvy attorneys are using the discovery process to legitimately obtain this information, revealing for the first time, completely objective data documenting the location of a person’s cell phone device, and logically concluding the whereabouts of the individual him/herself. This information can stand alone, or, bolster the testimony of a private investigator, validate other witness testimony and undermine the credibility of opposing parties. Attorneys paving the ground in the tech arena are encountering different experiences in different jurisdictions. Some judges are intrigued by the ingenuity and use of cutting-edge technology in their courtrooms, while others remain skeptical, hoping to look to another court that embraced and adopted the trend. Unfortunately, the number of actual cases is underreported because so many of these claims are resolved in pretrial settlement conferences, when the defendant is often forced to balance the weight of the evidence, witness credibility and a potential perjury and retroactive alimony claims. Accordingly, below is feedback from a few colleagues and their clients, highlighting their experiences and results.  Read more …