As Seen in the Huffington Post … 9 Things You Should Know About Using Geolocation Data In Your Termination of Alimony Case

The following article was written by a client, who wanted to share his experiences with his fellowmen, but until his pending claim is over, wished to remain anonymous.

If your supported ex-spouse is cohabitating, he/she probably uses cloaking tactics that would make a good spy blush. Your efforts to prove his/her shenanigans can seem fruitless: they hide cars, swear your kids or friends to secrecy, and even maintain separate residences and accounts, all in attempts to stay one step ahead of you, create plausible deniability, and keep you on the hook for their cash flow. Forcing you to continue to foot the bill for their lifestyle is the ultimate goal, and they’ll pursue and protect it vigorously. Adding to your misery is that the means for you to prove your suspicions are limited, time-consuming and expensive. Strategies such as conducting your own covert surveillance, paying a private investigator, or getting someone else to squeal on a mutual friend or family member all have their own problems, risks, and costs.  Read more …