As Seen in the Huffington Post – Which Would You Choose — Mediation or Litigation – When Seeking Child Support Modification?

Since the amount of child support one is required to contribute is formulary and based on statutory guidelines, it stands to reason then that modification of child support would be requested when there is a “substantial change of circumstance,” such that your income is substantially negatively affected. This applies for both the giver and receiver of child support. So, if you are the giver and have lost your job, you can seek an adjustment to your support obligation (whether temporary or permanent) to lower the support you give to more accurately reflect your new income. The rules are the same for the receiver, namely, if circumstances have caused a decrease in your income, you may seek a similar adjustment to the support you receive (whether temporary or permanent) to increase the support you receive to more accurately reflect your new income. Sounds simple, right? Maybe. The simplicity depends upon the cooperation of the parties… the givers and the receivers… and whether they are voluntarily willing to be reasonable with each other.  Read more …