When It’s Time to Mediate Your Divorce

You’ve probably already heard about all of the wonderful reasons why you should choose to mediate your divorce rather than choose to litigate … you’ll save money, you’ll salvage what’s left of your relationship, you’ll protect your children, etc. etc. etc.  Most of all, it’s been proven over and over again that mediation works.  Parties tend to live by those agreements, which they crafted and agreed to themselves, more so than judgments thrust upon them in court.  So, you think that mediation is right for you, but struggle to determine when to begin the process.  Consider the following red flags that might alert you that the time is right …

  • You have been “litigating” your divorce for over twelve months;
  • The costs in legal fees are greater than monthly support payments;
  • Your children are being used as “pawns” by either you or your spouse;
  • You are exhibiting symptoms of a person under excessive stress;
  • Your friends and family seem to be emotionally invested in your personal life and have a lot of opinions about what you should or should not do;
  • You would like to come to finalize the divorce and move on with your life.

Simple Rule of Thumb:  Litigate if your sole motivation and desire is to cause your spouse pain, and to drag out the divorce process.  Mediate when you want to resolve your issues amicably and move forward into the next chapter of your life.