As seen in the Huffington Post – Present Your Best Case To Avoid Litigating Your Divorce

Imagine your car is hit in the mall parking lot by a busy holiday-shopper, who wasn’t paying attention when she filled the back seat of her car with large packages — blocking the visibility out of her rearview window — and backed out of the parking space directly into your side door. You both get out of your respective cars to assess the damage, and agree that there was only minor damage to both cars. She says to you, “I’m so sorry. I wasn’t paying attention. This is my fault.” You reply, “I’m calling my lawyer.” She says, “Instead of filing a lawsuit, which will cost you money and take several months or maybe even years to litigate, would you accept $3,000.00 from me today?” She stated her case. She admitted liability. And anticipating the dispute, she offered a solution. Do you take the offer?  Read more …