Attention Florida Baby Boomers

Florida Baby Boomers pay attention!  Divorce rates are on the rise.  In 1990, 1 out of 10 marriages among people who were 50 or older divorced.  In 2009, that figure was 1 out of 4.  According to Florida’s Office of Vital Statistics, 60% of marriages in the South Florida region end in divorce.  The majority of these divorces are often contested, requiring court intervention to settle the division of the couple’s assets and to resolve child support and spousal support.  But, not all marital splits need to go this contentious, litigious and expensive route.  Mediation is a rapidly growing alternative available to couples, who are opting a more simplified and dignified approach to resolving their personal disputes.  With the help of a Supreme Court Certified Family Law Mediator and the court-approved forms now available for free download from the Internet, many couples are getting divorces themselves with greater ease and at significantly less expense.  While an average litigated divorce can cost between $10,000 – $25,000, an average mediated divorce will cost between $2,500 – $6,000.  While an  average litigated divorce may take upwards of one to two years to resolve, the average mediated divorce is completed in three to four mediation sessions.  The money saved, especially in today’s economy, cannot be overlooked.