As Seen in the Huffington Post – Cohabitation, the Termination of Alimony and Cell Phones

What's a family law mediator and divorce coach like me doing writing about some techy new way to leverage cell tower location data to support or refute a claim for the termination of alimony? Isn't … [Read more...]

As Seen in the Huffington Post – If You Could, Would You Reverse Time and Have a Divorce Do-Over?

If you could "do-over" your divorce ... in other words, approach the way in which you divorced your spouse differently, would you? What exactly would you do differently?  Read more ... … [Read more...]

As Seen in the Huffington Post – Mediating Your Summer Camp Squabbles

As the school year comes to an end, many parents are making summer plans for their children. Married or divorced, this topic often causes many heated arguments! Below is an example from one of my … [Read more...]

As Seen in the Huffington Post – How Much Do You Trust Your Former Spouse?

How many of you would consider sharing a checking account with your ex after the divorce is final? I'm not just talking about the joint bank account, where only specific funds are deposited and … [Read more...]

As Seen in the Huffington Post – Marriage Counselor or Mediator?

In family law mediation, it is not uncommon to hear the parties question their judgment regarding the difficult decision to proceed with divorce. I am often asked by one of the two individuals sitting … [Read more...]

$50,000 Divorce v. $1,000 Mediation?

Financial issues are often cited as the number one reason couples divorce.  So it stands to reason, then, that at a time when our country is suffering with 9.1% unemployment and a volatile market, … [Read more...]

As Seen in the Huffington Post – Financial Infidelity: What To Do When Someone Financially Cheats?

Why is it that as most new relationships develop, couples tend to see each other naked before seeing each other's bank accounts? Is it because their financial status is more private and personal than … [Read more...]

What To Know Before You Hire An Attorney

There are so many things to consider when it comes to divorce, but before you do anything, here are some things to keep in mind before hiring an attorney. Five things you should know before you … [Read more...]

The Termination Of Alimony

Proving cohabitation is challenging, especially when you are dealing with a deceptive ex-spouse and a co-conspiring paramour, who are both motivated by the desire to continue to fleece you of your … [Read more...]

As seen in the Huffington Post – Maintaining An Active Tempo in Your Divorce

"How long will it take to divorce my spouse?" It's one of the first questions asked by individuals seeking to end a marriage. Interestingly, the tempo by which a litigated divorce case progresses is … [Read more...]